VORsprung is a digital preparatory programme for prospective students who are interested in engineering and science studies in Germany and would like to prepare themselves in their home countries beforehand. It is designed for international students who have a German language efficiency level of B2, but no direct access to study at a German university.
The course allows them to study whenever and wherever they please without restricting them to a tight schedule or mandatory presence. The participants will be trained in mathematics, computer science, chemistry and physics and take their language skills to the next level (C1). They will also learn about German culture in general and the learning culture at German universities along with other relevant skills. Although our programme promotes digital rather than face to face teaching, specifically trained tutors will be available online to help the participants along the way.
At the end of this course, which will last approximately eight months, the participants will be prepared to take the traditional assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) or the Test for Academic Studies (TestAS).
In the project ISSK works with several partner universities and with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). VORsprung is initially designed to run for three years and is funded by DAAD.