Learning German at the “Internationales Studien- und Sprachenkolleg” Mainz

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz wants to allow refugees a quick start into higher education. Knowledge of German is a prerequisite for the admission to a German university.

The International Preparatory and Language Center (“Internationales Studien- und Sprachenkolleg” -ISSK) offers German courses on levels B1 to C1 (in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR ) to refugees who have an indirect or direct university entrance qualification (“Hochschulzugangsberechtigung”).

All study applicants with foreign university entrance qualifications and an officially recognized refugee status or refugee protection (section 25 para. 1 or 2 AufenthG) can take part in the preparatory courses, regardless of whether they have been awarded the direct or indirect university entrance qualification.

For applicants with a direct university entrance qualification, the course takes two terms and results in the language proficiency level C1. It is possible to take the DSH-2 exam (“Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang” - German language test for admission to university) afterwards. After its completion, graduates can apply to university.

Applicants with an indirect university entrance qualification need to attend the course for one semester in order to complete level B2. Upon completion, it is possible to apply for courses in preparation for the assessment test at the ISSK (please note the application deadline) which can be taken after another half-year of study. To prepare for the entrance examination at the Studienkolleg, supervised, multimedia online courses are offered, which enable flexible and location independent preparation for the subject examinations of the entrance test to the Studienkolleg. Upon completion of the assessment test, graduates can apply to study at the university.

Click here for further information regarding the application process.