Foreign Languages

“学一门语言,就是多一个观察世界的窗户” (chinesischer Spruch)

"Every new language is like an open window that shows a new view of the world and expands your attitude towards life." (Frank Harris)

"Le langage est la peinture de nos idées." (Antoine de Rivarol)

“Una lingua diversa è una diversa visione della vita.” (Federico Fellini)

“Язык до Киева доведёт” (russisches Sprichwort)

"Quien aprende una nueva lengua adquiere una nueva alma." (Juan Ramón Jiménez)

„Bir lisan, bir insan. Iki lisan, iki insan." (türkische Weisheit)


At the International Preparatory and Language Center (ISSK), all students in the realm of “language courses along with the studies for all faculties” („Studienbegleitende Sprachlehrveranstaltungen für Studierende aller Fachbereiche”) as well as employees of JGU can intensify their foreign language knowledge or learn new languages.

The focus of the language courses is on language acquisition of general as well as academic communicative competences in the respective target language. Our approach is skill- and task-oriented and perceives language learners as communicants, who cope with communication tasks in different situations and fields of actions. Therefore not only the mediation of linguistic knowledge in the strict sense (grammar and vocabulary), but the development of communicative competences are our main goals.

Our teachers are experienced specialists in the respective foreign language und apply the most recent teaching methods. A Learning Management System (LMS Moodle), which encourages and supports autonomous learning, is a part of our learning concept.

At the completion of the respective course, the participants receive a qualified proof of performance with indication of the course level according to the criteria of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

The number of teaching units per course enables the language learner to reach the respective language level in one or two semesters respectively.