Registration for the Foreign Language Courses

The ISSK will be held the Language courses face to face.

Online placement tests: 17.03.2025, 10:00 - 19.03.2025, 18:00

Registration phase: 24.03.2025, 10:00 - 27.03.2025, 18:00

In the course catalogue JOGU-StINe you will soon find our Foreign Language Courses for the summer semester 2025.

  • students
  • employees of the University of Mainz
  • ERASMUS students (allocation by capacity)
  • visiting students (allocation by capacity)

The registration for the language courses proceeds via Jogustine - Studies - Modules/Courses - Registration - Module/Course registration - Additional qualifications. The registration is possible only outside term time. We kindly ask to use your university email account for any sort of communication with the ISSK only. The participation is only possible with a printout from Tor (Transcript of records) or with the result of the placement test.
The registration for Staff members also proceeds via Jogustine  - Staff Courses - Registration - ISSK

Please ensure that you only register for your previously determined course level. Registrations for courses not according to the registrants language level cannot be considered and will be deleted (automatically) by the course management.
Important Note: Only one registration per language is permitted. Multiple registration will be deleted entirely (all registrations!).

If you have prior knowledge in English, French, Spanish, Italian and you have not attended a language course at ISSK in the last two semesters, a placement test is required. All other interested students must submit a proof of their level. This can be the successful completion of one of the ISSK language courses ‘Transcript of Records’ – not older than 1 year – or one of the following certificates (see here)– not older than 3 years. If you have a standardized proof of language proficiency, please send an email to your teacher after course registration.

17.03.2025, 10:00 - 19.03.2025, 18:00

Students without a vaild university account have to send an email to including their date of birth.
Exchange students please contact: for a guest account.

The test consists of single-choice-questions or of C-questions (a sequence of short gap texts).

Yes, you can familiarize yourself with the format of the C-test. The electronic demo-version is accessible for everyone (see right column in the Download section). Follow the instructions for your personal C-test. The result will be shown right after the test.

The students are placed in courses according to the ‘first come – first serve’ principle. Please contact if you cannot attend the course.

No, it is not possible to receive credit points for courses you have already successfully attended.